Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sometimes, he's so stinkin' cute.... And sometimes, he's just a stinker!!!

I took the kids out to Manzanita to watch the sprint car races. They loved it! This is I think my favorite picture of Ava and Lily being sweet!
Brody havin a ball at Makutu's Island...

I'd have taken some pictures of Ava, but I didn't see her the whole time!

Brody's world is full of frustration right now! The kid thinks he can do everything all by himself, and when he can't, he has to throw a fit. Or if you try to help him, he throws a fit! It's driving me bonkers. It is a good thing he is so cute! He hates getting in the car all of a sudden, and arches his back when I try to buckle him in. Seriously, makes me nuts!

I need to remember to blog more often. Since I discovered Facebook, blogging has taken a backseat because FB is so much easier! But then I remember that this is kind of my journal/scrapbook, so I need to do better!!!
Lately, Brody has been talking, a lot. I can't understand most of it, but here is what I have interpreted so I won't forget...
gogobba-grasshopper (that's my new favorite, thanks, Dad!)
whe-de-go?-where did he go? (when the deacon passed by us with the sacrament)

Ava booty shakin' between races! Funny.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Lily runnin' in the snow

Ava making a snow angel

Early in the morning by our cabin, still in our jammies

Uncle Dusty, Ava and Lily

Ava and Lily

I wanted to take the kiddos to do something fun this weekend. I was hoping for snow up north, but they said there wouldn't be any. But we went anyway. My brother Dusty, his girlfriend Melina and her little girl Lily came and we stayed in a cute little log cabin. We flew kites, played and then found that there actually was snow @ Sunrise!!! Even though we were not prepared for snow, we played in it a little bit and froze our tushies off! It was sooooo cold!

More Pinetop pics...

Ava running in the snow
Me getting sprayed by Dusty

My snow angel

My boy

Ava's snow angel